Logistical accuracy through teamwork + technology.
For over 20 years, GSCS has provided cold storage expertise within the Northeast region to national and international businesses that require food and packaging logistics from pickup to delivery. With a high regard for food safety, GSCS supports the frozen food industry seamlessly with flexible capacity between two facilities a few short miles from Port Newark, NJ which is also accessible from NY Ports. Customer service is at the forefront of our operations and is measured by the speed, reliability, and efficiency of our infrastructure, team, and technology.
To be the best, we want to work with the best. GSCS is invested in obtaining third-party, food-safety certifications to gain a customer’s confidence.
Inspections and audits showcase GSCS’ commitment to excellence and meeting/exceeding national/international industry standards.
We currently hold food certifications with the following organizations:

As with any industry that is heavily reliant on energy as one of its main resources, Garden State Cold Storage takes an active role in driving sustainable measures within its day-to-day operations to reduce its overall environmental footprint.
Garden State Cold Storage has:
- Joined the Demand Response Program in New Jersey, which is a collective of 500+ commercial and industrial suppliers that have a high usage of energy. When energy demand is high, all participants are notified to reduce their consumption by 50% or more for a 1-hour period. This effort can occur 1-5 times per year.
- Replaced 130 warehouse lights using 465-watt Metal Halide lights to 265-watt T5 fluorescent lights for energy efficiency.
- Focused on going paperless – meaning no physical paper pick tickets for warehouse pickers and all manual documents are becoming electronic forms which can be filled out utilizing tablets.
- Implemented a recycling program where all cardboard and plastic from shrink-wrap is recycled. We repair broken pallets to increase the longevity of our supplies.